Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Audience Comments Final Edit

I showed the final edit of the film to a group of friends and they have several comments about the piece

Several of them had watched the earlier edits and commented on how much of a difference the colour grading made as it made the whole film feel cohesive as a whole which is definitely a plus.

Several people who had not seen the film before commented as many people have about how much they liked the chemistry between the two leads and this made the story seem more realalistic and helped to draw them into the story. In addition to this several people actually laughed at the moments of humour in the film which is great as I was nervous that the overall tone of the film would mean that these comedic moments wouldn't land

A number of people commented on the sound design in particular the final track before the credits which they said made the scenes much more emotional and gave an effective end to the film. Another person also said that they liked the way that the scenes transitioned from one another and particularly liked the sound bridge of the door slam.

One person did say that they felt that the script was a bit rushed. I believe that this was caused by the cuts that I made removing the other conversations between other couples that were present in the original script. These were removed due to time constraints and were meant to break up the action and provide a point of conflict between Sam and Danny but their removal did harm the piece slightly

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