I showed the footage from the first two shoots to a small group of people and they had several things to say about it
First of all they thought that the actors had great chemistry and that it was totally believable that they would be long term friends this is fantastic because this is exactly what I was aiming for when I cast two people who already knew each other so they could act as naturally as possible around each other
They liked a couple of the shots such as this one where Ottilie moves in front of camera and Danny interrupts her. And the two shot of both of them on the sofa which I am particulary happy about as they spend a good chuck of the conversation in that shot so to know that it is working is nice
They also noticed the incorrect shot of Ottilie which I have already mentioned in my review of the second shooting session clearly showing how much of an issue this is.
Overall though the response was positive and many of the group expressed how excited they were to see the finished product which increased my confidence with the piece immensely.