Opening shot has very low depth of field causing the
audience to focus solely on Tom Cruise’s character. Only sound is sound of
crowd and amplified footsteps. Same procedure for next shot focusing on other
character then cut by to Tom Cruise
Sudden change of shot as two characters collide background
sound is decreased. Match on action as bags drop to the floor, sound of bags
dropping is amplified to further draw audience attention. Over the shoulder
shot with low depth of field focusing on other characters face no emotion
is shown. Motivated editing is used as the collision between the two characters is surprising because we are not given any indication of their proximity to one another
Soundtrack begins to build tension as shot switches to over the shoulder shot of
tom cruises character with again low depth of field
Snap cut to interior of taxi office. Colour palette changes
but sound track continues indicating some kind of connection between the two
scenes. Switch in editing pace from long drawn out shots to rapid frame
changes. Lingering shot on taxi driver are in contrast to editing during scene indication that we should pay special attention to person in frame
As taxi driver enters car multiple match on action shots are
shown as he goes through his routine close ups used throughout to covey
meticulous nature of character.
Soundtrack drops out as driver closes door leaving simple
base beat which indicates isolation of the character from the rest off the
scene which was previously very noisy and clutterd
Additional match on action shots that linger on his putting
the image of the island straight indicates importance to character